Meth on the Reservation

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girl on meth In Arizona, meth claims the lives of people in the inner city as well as those farm far away on the reservation. David Dudley was beaten to death at a party where the meth and alcohol were consumed. Court records reported that his body had been punched, kicked and beaten with a bottle at the party before he was dragged into a nearby wash, beaten some more and left naked to die.

Crystal meth is a powerful central nervous system stimulant working directly with the brain and spinal cord by interfering with normal neurotransmission. Neurotransmitters are produced naturally within the nerve cells and are used to help us communicate with one another and send the brain messages to help regulate the thought processes.

Methamphetamine is both powerful as a stimulant as well as powerfully addictive, and the user of meth tends to both increase his dosage as the session or partying continues. It tends to have a cyclical effect on the user which can turn hours into days.

Crystal meth interferes with our neurotransmitters which regulate our mood. The dopamine center in our brain does not respond as it should when the neurotransmitters are compromised by meth use. Important social structures like logic and emotion simply do not function as they should under the influence of meth.  Then you throw in heavy drinking on top of that basically numb and drown your central nervous system in a toxic bath of chemicals.

This interference of our thought centers in the brain can account for such violent, cruel and inhuman treatment of fellow human beings. It blocks logic centers, emotion, rational behaviour. Native American leaders nationwide and especially in the West claim a meth led boost in violence, underaged sex, and meth addicted babies.

Meth is not only horribly addictive, but worse than that, easy to make. It can be made from ingredients bought in many common stores. Over the counter cold medicines with pseudoephedrine are cooked to make meth. Cheap and easy, it is becoming more and more popular as the country becomes more attracted to cheaper ways to get high.  Meth is to today what cocaine was to the 1980’s, but without the elitism associated with it. This bargain basement drug is usually offered three times for free by a dealer to a potential client. The logic is that if the person will use it three times, they’re hooked! It’s just good business.

native-american-boy-methContact a treatment center professional if you or someone you know is struggling with substance abuse.